13 October 2011

Listing long running conversations in CDI based web application

I am not sure if CDI provides APIs to list all long running conversations. So I came up with the below class.

Note: Time-out and eviction of conversations by the container when not in use for a long time to save resoruces is NOT considered in the code below.

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped;
import javax.inject.Named;
public class SRackWorkSpace implements Serializable{
    private List<String> cids=new ArrayList<String>();
    public void addConversation(String cid){
    public void removeConversation(String cid){
    public boolean isConversationActive(String cid){
        return cids.contains(cid);
Inject conversation and the above session scoped bean and invoke

 -  addConversation method when you begin a conversation like


- removeConversation when we end a conversation like


You can check of a long running conversation for a desired use case is already active like

 if (sRackWorkSpace.isConversationActive("deliverexam")) {
           return "/YOUR_PATH_TO_XHTML_VIEW?cid=deliverexam&faces-redirect=true";